Diegesis, 法文︰die ge se︰這個術語不屬於符號學或語言學,由法蘭西作家艾提安‧蘇利歐(Etienne Souriau)所引用,指電影中指示意義的材料。 電影音樂中,“背景音樂(BACKGROUND MUSIC)”就不是diegesis;而電影中角色所演奏的而觀眾也可聽到的音樂才是diegesis。
根據包德威爾(Bordwell)的“電影藝術”(Film Art)一書,音樂可以分為故事 的聲音(diegetic sound)或是故事外的聲音(nondiegetic sound)。
1) A narrative's time-space continuum, to borrow a term from Star Trek. The diegesis of a narrative is its entire created world. Any narrative includes a diegesis, whether you are reading science fiction, fantasy, mimetic realism, or psychological realism. However, each kind of story will render that time-space continuum in different ways. The suspension of disbelief that we all perform before entering into a fictional world entails an acceptance of a story's diegesis. The Star Trek franchise is fascinating for narratology because it has managed to create such a fully realized and complex diegetic universe that the narratives of all five t.v. shows (TNG, DS9, STV, Enterprise,, the original Star Trek) and all the movies occur, indeed coexist, within the same diegetic time-space. An important event in one of the movies affects all of the the other shows and films in the franchise.
(to narrate; dia` through; to lead): Having to do with the actual world of the film and the story being told; as opposed to formal elements which are part of the film, but not of the world depicted in the film. Thus music played on an instrument by a character in the course of the film is diegetic, while background music which affects our mood as we watch is not diegetic.
3) Diegesis:
The best way to remember diegesis is to borrow a term from Star Trek. The diegesis of a narrative is its entire created world, or its time-space continuum. The dream of the Arab sequence in Book V of Wordsworth's Prelude is fascinating, in part, since it includes different diegetic universes: the time-space continuum of Wordsworth, who is telling his tale, that of his friend who is said to have had the dream in the 1805 Prelude, that of Cervantes' Don Quixote, which his friend is reading, that of the dream universe the friend creates when he falls asleep, and, finally, that of the Ode foretelling apocalypse, which his friend is offered in his dream.
4) Diegesis:
The narrative elements of a film that are shown or immediately inferred from the content of a film. Though implication is not the primary focus, diegesis is a methodological analysis for discerning the exact nature of the film including all of the action and dialogue.